
For more than 100 years Hancock Telephone Company has proudly served our area, providing the best possible customer service. And now that we offer telephone, long distance, cable and internet, we’ve made it easy to be connected to the world with only one call. It’s easy to get it all, or pick and choose which services work best for you, your family and your business.

Hancock Telephone – a local company supporting your community

Lifeline Discount Telephone/Internet Service:     For more information, click here

For additional informational about your telephone service, the following links have been provided:

Dial 811 Before You Dig
Do you have a construction and/or landscaping project planned that involves digging? Give us a call before you start. We’ll let you know if there are any underground wires in the area. This way, you can avoid unnecessary service interruptions and a potential fine.

For NY: UDig NY – formerly Dig Safely NY

For PA: PA One Call

Dial 711 to Use the Relay Service
Assigned to the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS), this 3-digit number allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or speech disabled to communicate with anyone using a regular telephone. TRS is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

New York Relay Service

Pennsylvania Relay Service

Cramming is the illegal practice of adding bogus, miscellaneous charges to a consumer’s telephone bill for services that were not ordered. These charges are usually unrelated to actual telephone usage.


Special Protections
As a Hancock Telephone Company residential customer, you have certain rights and responsibilities. These rights and responsibilities result from the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) Rules Governing Provision of Telephone Service to Residential Customers.

Special Protections

As a regulated utility, Hancock Telephone is governed the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) and the Pennsylvania Utility Commission (PUC). The rules and regulations relating to the way in which we provision service can be found in our prevailing tariffs.

New York Tariff

Pennsylvania Tariff  – Scroll down to “Hancock Telephone Company” and select “Current Tariffs”